The Dilly Dally On Me...

NaMe: Alanlee L. Bungue

OtHeR CoDe NaMeS: Alan, AL, KuyA, KuyaAL

WheN WaS I CReATEd: 10/12/76

PlACe Of BiRTh: St. PAul, MinnESotA

FaMilY: MomS, PoPS, JACKiE, ElaIZa

ReSides: ConFidential

EDUCaTion: UnivErSitY Of MinnESota

FAv THIngs: WResTlInG(It's All FaKe But's All Good), MuSIc, Chillin, DAncIN, IrC, being outspoken

Fav MUSic: Hi-Five's GreatesT Hits, Bad Boy MuSiC, Wyclef, Pinay, NAS, WWF Volume 3, Source Magazines Hip hops Greatest hits Volume 1, Enter the Dru, Jay-z, Lauryn Hill

iRC NiCks: I_Be_FliP

Can't STANd: PeePS That tAlk SMack, WannaBE Gigalos, FakE FiIipINos, PEEps That ConTraDiCt TheMsevES, CouPLES that Are Wopped Ass OVer eACh oTHER, PInAy's ThaT Think THey ArE ThE BOMb when the are NOt, RacIst FiLipInOS, aNd FilIPiNos ThaT ARe NOt Down WiTH Unity, people mispelling my fullname alanlee or my nickname alan, grudges

WHY I Am The BomB: Kewl As Hell, GoOd listner, Funny, Articlate, Passionate in Everything I Do.

PAsT JOBs: TeaCHERs ASsIstant AT St.Paul Academy, DurinG THe Summers of 92-94 and Administrative assistant at Globe AirPort Aviatinn Secutity INc. 96, Verifier for Capitol Companies: verifying account information for long distance and internet ads

Other THings About MeeH U might WanT to Konw: 1991-92-perfect attendence

1992,93,95-Varsity Track Letter Winner

1993-5th place all Conferance in 200m dash 23.8sec

1st-all time in 200m dash 9th and 10th 23.5(high school)

2nd all Time in 9th-10th in 100m dash 11.8(high school)

1992-94-high school Yearbook

1993-95-escourt at debutants ball

1996-emcee debutants ball

1994-95-School Paper

1994-Musikal Unplugged and Musikal Performer

1995-Paskong FilipIno Emcee

1995-11.55sec in 100m dash

1994-97-FMYO Caroler

1995-Cultural Society OF FiliPino Americans Next Generation Vice President

1995-96-Kababayan Youth Inc. President

1995-96-PerFormer at Kababayan Events

1995-Essay Winner "What It Means To be Filipino Winner"

1996-Fil-Minnesotan YOuth Organization(FMYO)President

1996-ChairPErson FMYO RETREAT

1997-FMYO ex.Oficio

1998-elected to the CSFA Board of Directors for 1999-2000

1998-Philippine Student Association Webmaster

1998-Fil-Minnesotan Assoication Award Winner for Student Leadership

1999-Contributing Writer for

1999-2000-Philippine Student Association Public Relations Officer

2000-Committee member of Midwest Asian American Student Union Conf Twin Cities

2000-Intern for Classified Records

2000-Promotions for The Debut film in Minnesota

***Only PerSon In MinnesOTA to My Knowledge that Has Had a postion in the 3 Filipino OrganIzaIons

My Knowledge that Has Had a postion in the 3 Filipino OrganIzaIons