-Well, well, well. You have made it to my domain on the net. Let me say thank you for visiting this website. It's time for you to take a journey into the life and times of this fella called Al. To some I am your son, brother, grandson, cousin, uncle, godfather, homie, kuya, someone you admire, or even someone you despise. From looking around this website you will learn the essential info you want to know about me. From things I am interested in, accomplishments, poems, my views, and links to other things I find to be cool. Take your time to explore all the things my website has to offer before this site goes under massive reconstruction in the fall of 99. Don't forget to sign the guestbook, cause if you get to learn something about me then I should get to learn something about you. Enjoy your stay. UPDATED April 12,2000. (NEW pics in the friends section, group section, and famous people section) -



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